March 18, 2025
6:30 pm
Food & Networking - 6:30-7:00pm
Help Clinic - 7:00-7:30pm
In this month’s Help Clinic we have Justin Boling, from Boling Concrete Construction.
Justin will reveal:
- The top 3 reasons why concrete fails
- What to consider when replacing concrete
- The top 2 things to consider when choosing a contractor
- Should you use asphalt or concrete?
- Is your concrete project thick enough & have adequate reinforcement?
Rehab to Riches: Expert Strategies for Profitable Flipping – 7:30-8:30pm
Sandra Fernandez is a licensed REALTOR® and Real Estate Investor in the St. Louis Metro Area. Sandra has been featured in local real estate publications and magazines and has appeared on and hosted several Real Estate podcasts.
Here's What She’ll Cover:
-Top 3 ways I find my most lucrative deals
- I'll share my 2 favorite funding sources so money will never stop you from doing a rehab.
- Don't let contractors con you, learn how I deal with them effectively.
- Come see how many rehabs you need to do to make a 6-figure income, you'll be surprised how low the number is!
- How I set up my rehabs to sell super-fast! When this starts, may surprise you!
- Come and hear all this plus, lessons I learned the hard way, including photos!
Be sure to arrive early and share a light meal with like-minded investors. Doors open @6:30.
STLREIA’s Main Event this month will be held at:
The Lodge Des Peres, 1050 Des Peres Rd (63131)
Can’t meet with us On Location? We got you covered:
Here’s the Free zoom link: -----------> https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqdOmqrTosE9xvK2-lnsoq652_Usc3uLAs
Venue: The Lodge Des Peres