Network with us Every Friday at 11:00 am CT on Zoom
Join us for your opportunity to Buy, Sell, and look for solutions for current and potential investment projects, look for contractors, offer services, Ask the Attorney with Katharyn Davis of Davis, Travaglini LLC who visits often with legislation updates and to answer your legal real estate questions.

~~ Monthly MONDAY LUNCH Networking ~~
Date: First Monday of every month (except September 2, 2024)
Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm
Place: Applebee’s Restaurant at 11950 Olive Blvd (in Creve Coeur)
Who: Everyone is welcome, guests & members alike.
Cost: Order & pay for your own lunch.
STLREIA has decided to restart our monthly networking lunches. If you have been a part of our organization for a while, you might remember the lunches held at Applebee’s restaurant in Creve Coeur. We’ll be returning there for monthly networking lunches on the first Monday of the month. Please join us and meet up with old and new friends, with whom you can connect to swap information, get advice, find new deals, or possibly sell those properties you’re currently thinking of listing.